Using state-of-the art mathematical models and data to prevent HIV

A collaborative centre that develops and uses mathematical models to support HPTN research activities and inform research directions

What we do

A 2 minute introduction to the HPTN Modelling Centre

MSM in the USA

Our recent modelling study helps understand the HIV Epidemic Among MSM in Baltimore by: Estimating the Impact of Past HIV Interventions and Who Acquired and Contributed to Infections

You can read the full report here

 Condoms and ART have modestly impacted the HIV epidemic among Baltimore MSM to date. Interventions reaching MSM with diagnosed infection who are not in care should be implemented since the largest percentage of HIV transmissions among Baltimore MSM are attributed to this group.



UNAIDS HIV targets will be missed among gay men in Africa

Our recent meta-analysis published in Lancet HIV shows the importance of improving HIV prevention among MSM in Africa

Among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Africa, HIV status awareness, antiretroviral therapy coverage and viral suppression, remain much lower than required to achieve UNAIDS 90–90–90 targets. In addition, severe anti-LGBT legislation might be associated with lower HIV testing and status awareness; therefore, further research is needed to assess the effect of such legislation on HIV testing and engagement with the HIV treatment cascade among MSM. You can read the full story here.

Also read the linked commentary by Jean Joel Bigna and Jobert Richie Nansseu

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